The 5th International Conference on Linguistics and Cultural Studies 5 (ICLC-5)
Held by The Faculty of Cultural Science Hasanuddin University
“Contemporary Issues in the Research of Language, Literature, Culture, and Theching”
Language: Corpus Linguistics, Discourse Analysis, Language and Tourism, Language and Media, Language and Environment, Language and Technology, Language and Cultural Diversity.
Literature: Literature and Gender, Children’s Literature, Literature and Tourism, Literature and Local Wisdom, Ecological Literature.
Culture: Post-Humanism, Local Culture, Maritime Culture, Global-Local Relations, Cultural and Religious Relations
Teaching: Methods for Teaching Indonesian for Foreign Speakers, Teaching Methods Innovation, Critical Language Pedagogy, Independent Curriculum, Translation, Teaching Technology
Keynote Speakers:

Important Dates:
Abstract Submission on July 1 to September 1, 2024
Announcement of Abstract Acceptance on September 2, 2024
Full Paper Submission on August 15 to September 15, 2024
Abstract Submission via E-mail:
October 16, 2024
Hybrid (Professor Mattulada Hall-Hasanuddin University & Zoom)
Article review model: Singel Peer Review
Editorial policy ICLC-5
Manuscripts submitted to the Organizing Committee of the International Conference on Linguistics and Cultural Studies -5 (ICLC-5) go through internal review and if they meet the basic requirements, they will be forwarded for single-blind peer review. Comments from external reviewers are sent to the authors and they are informed of the decision.
To be published in these proceedings, a paper must meet the following general criteria:
1. The submitted paper must follow the Conference Theme and the template of this proceedings.
2. The submitted manuscript must be original work, unpublished, and not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
3. It must fulfill scientific benefits and novelty or new contributions to knowledge.
4. The languages used are Indonesian and standard English.
5. Free from plagiarism content. All authors are advised to use plagiarism detection software (please use Turnitin or iThenticate). The editors will also check the similarity (maximum similarity of 30%).
6. Typography, grammar, clarity of content and suitability of the manuscript format are the responsibility of the author.
7. Manuscripts that do not meet these requirements will be returned to the authors. Before the manuscript is submitted to the reviewers, details that could reveal the identity of the authors in the manuscript to the reviewers will be removed. When sending reviewer comments to the authors, the reviewers’ identities are also hidden from the authors. Reviewers are expected to assess the manuscript and provide useful feedback so that the authors can improve the quality of the manuscript. Manuscripts are also assessed on the basis of originality, contribution, technical excellence, clarity of presentation, and depth of research. In general, to be accepted, a paper should represent an advance in understanding that is likely to influence thinking in the field. There should be a clear rationale for why the work is worthy of publication at the International Conference on Linguistics and Cultural Studies (ICLC-5). The final decision on manuscript acceptance is made entirely by the Editorial team based on the reviewers’ comments.
Conference fee
International Presenter IDR 500.000
Domestic Presenter IDR 350.000
International Participants IDR 250.000
Domestic Participants IDR 150.000
Publication Fee for Atlantis Press IDR 2.300.000
Account Name: Nurhayati
Account Number: 1272099603
Name of Bank: Bank BNI
Conference payment after abstract is received
+628124216826 (Prof. Dr. Nurhayati, M.Hum.)
+6285220999848 (Andi Meirling, S.S., M.Hum.)
Person in Charge: Dean of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences University of Hasanuddin
Chairman : Prof.Dr.Nurhayati, M.Hum. Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Secretary : A. Meirling, S.S., M.Hum. Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Treasurer: Indarwaty, S.S., M.Hum. Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Paper Section
Prof. Dr. Muhammad Hasyim, M. Hum. Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Seminar section
Dr. Rosmawati, M. Hum. Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Public Relations Section
Dr. Andi Agussalim, M. Hum. Hasanuddin University, Indonesia
Keynote Speakers
Prof. Dr. Akin Duli, M.A. (Hasanuddin University, Indonesia)
Prof. Madya Dr. Awang Azman Awang Pawi (University of Malaya Malaysia)
Prof. Dr. Gufran Ali Ibrahim, M.S. (Khaerun University Indonesia)
Prof. Dr. Ab. Takko Bandung, M.Hum. (Hasanuddin University, Indonesia)
Prof. Nasmilah, M.Hum., Ph.D. (Hasanuddin University, Indonesia)
Dr. Soe Tjen Marching (SOAS University Inggris)
Manavavee Mamah, M.A. (Yala Rajabhat University Thailand)
Dr. Liu Dandan (Nanchang Normal University Tiongkok)